Quick Reference Guide
Signal screen:
Tap the Signal tab for the Frequency/Level results.
LEVEL – Loss of Signal
(LOS) and Saturation
(SAT) level for optical
signals is shown
graphically, including
the level measurement
in dBm
FREQUENCY – received
signal frequency and
offset is measured
and displayed
SONET current:
frequency of the
input signal
Offset: difference
between the
standard rate and
the rate of the
input signal
Min (ppm): difference between the standard rate and the
minimum deviation detected in the input signal
Max (ppm): difference between the standard rate and
the maximum deviation detected in the input signal
45M current: frequency of the payload data; 1.5M, 2M, 34M
Optical module
information (SFP or
XFP) which includes
Vendor Name, Part
Number and Optical