The VPAL is equipped with an intelligent Lilon rechargeable battery pack which is located in the rear of the unit. The battery will be
partially charged upon delivery so it is recommended to charge the battery fully before use. It is recommended to charge the battery
at room temperature to preserve its life and to obtain maximum charge. The battery can be removed during operation provided the
unit is connected to the AC Main using the supplied AC adapter. Removing the battery, when not connected to the AC Main will
cause the unit to shutdown. Remove the rubber cover on the left side to connect the AC Main adapter to the unit.
4.4 Connectors and Panels
Test Ports :
To access the test connectors, please open the top cover.
DSL test port:
One RJ11 (BX100V) or one RJ45 (BX100A) connector is located at the top of the unit. Connect the unit to the network
using one of the cables supplied with the instrument.
Maximum Voltage input is 100VAC, 140VDC
Digital Multimeter test port
(option for BX100A models only)
The Digital Multi-Meter (DMM) measures AC and DC voltage, current and resistance. Connect to the network using the test
cables supplied with the instrument.
POTS test port:
(option for BX100A models only)
Utility Ports:
To access the utility ports, remove the protective rubber cover on the right hand side of the unit to expose the connectors;
USB 2.0 Client port:
To connect USB memory drives, WiFi or VoIP adaptors. These accessories are shown below.
BX100A/V e-Manual D07-00-001 Rev E01
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