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Expert OTDR Mode
press the V key
or Fiber key
at the bottom left corner
Choose the wavelengths you want to test. In Manual mode you can configure all the settings for the optical
pulse. In Auto Mode the tester will select the best settings for resolutions, pulse width and distance.
If you have spans on your link, ex: initial launch fiber at your side or the remote side, then go to Span and
insert the span information
V-Scout is for automating several tests sequentially with different settings and then combining them all into
one diagram to accurately characterize all events that might require different pulsewidths and resolution. For
example: you can select a short PW to detect near events accurately and another test in the sequence to test
with a much longer PW to detect far events accurately.
V-Scout is for automating several tests sequentially with different settings and then combining them all into
one diagram to accurately characterize all events that might require different pulsewidths and resolution. For
example: you can select a short PW to detect near events accurately and another test in the sequence to test
with a much longer PW to detect far events accurately.
A. Thresholds: Analysis thresholds which define how the tester identifies the different events.
You can customize these thresholds by pressing the Pencil icon.
P/F Thresholds: Pass/Fail Thresholds. Any event exceeding those PASS/FAIL thresholds will be detected as fail
AutoSave: after every test. Set how the filename of the trace will increment and what additional information
you want to auto insert into the filename (Wavelength, PW, Date.. etc)
Cloud: If you have created an account on Fiberizer Cloud (free service), then you can insert here your login
credentials so that the tester can upload the test results to your account
Once done, press Start to run the test