K465i Operations and Maintenance
P/N 1212831 Rev C
Page 5-164
Veeco Instruments, Inc. Confidential
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Although leaks in plumbing lines themselves are uncommon, it is still necessary to leak
check all plumbing lines, weld points and strain points.
Using the System Diagram provided by Veeco TurboDisc Operations, locate the leak
detector port on the line that is being leak checked.
Procedure 5-27: Plumbing Lines Leak Check
1. Spray helium on the line between the leak detector port and the first closed valve. If the leak detector
does not display a reading outside of the accepted range then proceed the with leak checking.
2. If the leak detector senses helium at an unacceptable level then visually inspect the area of line being
tested for any pin holes or loose fittings. If a pin hole is located in the actual plumbing line (i.e., not at
a weldment, VCR fitting, joint, valve) or it cannot be determined where the leak exists within the line
then call Veeco TurboDisc Operations at 1-8TURBODISC.
Leak check VCR fittings as follows:
Procedure 5-28: VCR Fitting Leak Check
1. Spray helium around the VCR fitting and into the small opening (1) (Figure 5-146) in the VCR to check
the goslet seal of the VCR fitting.