H igh-p e rfo rm anc e e le c tro nic k it s ... fun t o b uild and us e !
Skill Level 1
Calls for a few basic tools-
a soldering iron, cutters, plyers, wire strippers,
and a small screw driver. Does not require test
equipment for final adjustment or tuning.
C W Filt e r
w it h 1 Wat t aud io am p lifie r
model VEC-821K
shown with optional cabinet
Incred ibly narro w 8 0 Hz b and w id t h
let s yo u p ull Mo rs e c o de signals o ut
o f heavy int e rfere nc e o n any ham rad io
b and . Po w e rful o ne w at t aud io amp lifie r
d rive s ext e rnal s p eake r. Eight p ole s o f
act ive IC filt ering gives s up e r s t e ep C W
sk irt s fo r p er fo rmance t hat fe w t unab le
filt ers c an mat c h– int e rfere nc e is up t o
6 0 d B d o w n o ne o ct ave aw ay.
-Razor sharp selectivity dramatically
snatches out your desired CW signal from a mass of interference.
-Select from 3 bandwidth: 80, 1 10, 1 80 H z. Center frequency
is a pleasant 75 0 H z.
-1 5 dB noise reduction relieves fatigue. Automatic noise limiter
knocks down static crashes and other impulse noises. Plugs into
your transceiver’s phone jack. Drives external speaker to one watt.
-Requires 9 to 1 8VDC, 3 00 mA
Turn y
CS ele
c kit
int o a
us sho
w piec
Add ou
r custo
m cab
inet a
nd kn
set to
lete yo
ur kit
Содержание VEC-821K
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