VEC-1220K/1230K/1240K/1280K Owner's
This kit provides a great introduction to QRP operation, one of the hottest and
fastest growing activities in amateur radio. With these little rigs, you'll discover
what thousands of QRP enthusiasts already know--the magic of communicating
world-wide using less energy than it takes to illuminate a pen-light bulb!
Your VEC QRP-CW Transmitter Kit is simple to build, yet it gives you many
sophisticated features to make QRP operating both easy and fun. For example, a
built-in diode antenna switch handles T/R transfer in milliseconds for full QSK
operation in between CW characters. In fact, if your receiver has a good AGC,
you can simply plug into the T/R jack and copy both sides of the conversation
simultaneously, without receiver muting. In addition to full QSK, you get
shaped keying--just like on the most expensive commercial transceivers.
For drift-free frequency stability, the transmitter is crystal-controlled. However,
that doesn't mean you're "stuck" in one spot. The wide-range VXO circuit uses a
high-Q variable-capacitor for maximum frequency shift. Also, a second optional
crystal frequency may be added and selected with the push of a switch. Best of
all, there's no need to order crystals to get started--each kit already includes one
cut for the internationally recognized QRP calling-frequency on that band.
Finally, when your kit is assembled and it's time to fire up, you won't need to
fiddle with tricky tuning--or to substitute output transistors for best results.
You'll get a solid 1-watt
signal that's filtered through a high-Q toroid low-
pass filter to ensure compliance with FCC rules. In short, your kit provides
everything you need to get on the air fast!
Construction Area:
Kit construction requires a clean, smooth, and well-lighted
area where you can easily organize and handle small parts without losing them.
An inexpensive sheet of white poster board makes an excellent construction
surface, while providing protection for the underlying table or desk. Well-
diffused overhead lighting is a plus, and a supplemental high-intensity desk lamp
will prove especially helpful for close-up work. Safety is an important
consideration. Be sure to use a suitable high-temperature stand for your
soldering iron, and keep the work area free of combustible clutter.
Universal Kit-building Tools:
Although your particular kit may require
additional items to complete, virtually all construction projects require a work
area outfitted with the following tools and supplies: