VEC-1220K/1230K/1240K/1280K Owner's
Finally, before installing L1 on the PC board, be sure to tin both leads with
solder. The coil wire provided with your kit is coated with heat-stripable enamel
insulation that breaks down at soldering-iron temperatures. If you touch the tip
of an iron to the end of the wire for several seconds, the insulation should start to
melt, allowing solder to adhere to the copper underneath. If your iron isn't hot
enough to start this process, carefully scrape the insulation off with a small
hobby knife and tin.
If necessary, refer back to these instructions at any time during assembly. You
may now move ahead to the section of the manual that corresponds with your
particular kit.
VEC-1220K 20-Meter QRP-CW Transmitter Kit
1. Find a 22 pF multilayer cap (marked 22 or 220). Install at C6 and
2. Find a 47 pF multilayer cap (47 or 470). Install at C8 and solder.
3. Find a 68 pF multilayer cap (68 or 680). Install at C16 and solder.
Find three (3) 220 pF multilayer caps (marked 221).
4. Install a 220 pF multilayer at C7 and solder.
5. Install a 220 pF multilayer at C19 and solder.
6. Install a 220 pF multilayer at C20 and solder.
7. Find a 330 pF multilayer cap (marked 331). Install at C14 and solder.
8. Find the remaining 470 pF multilayer cap (471). Install at C13 and
Locate three (3) 1.8 uH chokes (brown-gray-gold-silver or gold).
9. Install 1.8 uH at RFC1 and solder.
10. Install 1.8 uH at RFC2 and solder.
11. Install 1.8 uH at RFC3 and solder.
Locate the T37-2 toroid coil form (a donut-shaped part about 3/8" in diameter
and color-coded red). Also, find the #22 enameled coil wire provided with your
12. Wind twelve (12) turns of #22 wire onto the T37-2 form. Note that
turns are counted
the form, and each turn is pulled tight before
winding the next. When done, spread the windings out, distributing
them over 80% of the form's circumference.
13. Trim each coil lead to 1/2" in length and tin with solder.