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Install the aluminum spin pole. The
aft end will slide over a bracket
mounted to the front edge of the
front cross just below the mast step.
Pin the pole with the 2” rigging pin
provided at the front cross bar, and
then slide the saddle, mounted just
aft of the spin hoop on the spin
pole, into the bottom of the pelican
striker tube assembly. This will
then be pinned in place with the 2
stage halyard shackle. Ensure the
halyard shackle faces aft when
complete and has the 30mm blocks
for the jib sheet attached.
Locate the 3mm lines labeled false
bridal. Tie each to the spin pole at the
pelican striker attachment point. Tie
the ends to the bridal tang at each hull.
Tie tightly as this will support the jib
under sail.
Fig 9.A
Fig 9.B