TLR-D5P-U Engineering Manual
Doc: 70-07-0100, V2.2, Date: 20090201
©2008 Vector Controls
Page 15
Control Parameters (Access Code: 241)
Warning! Only experts should change these settings! See user parameters for login procedure.
Setpoint limitations
Parameter Description
Range Default
CP 00
Minimum setpoint limit in Heating mode
-40…60°C (160°F)
16°C (61°F)
CP 01
Maximum setpoint limit in Heating mode
-40…60°C (160°F)
24°C (76°F)
CP 02
Minimum setpoint limit in Cooling mode
-40…60°C (160°F)
18°C (65°F)
CP 03
Maximum setpoint limit in Cooling mode
-40…60°C (160°F)
30°C (87°F)
Fan control sequence
Parameter Description
Range Default
CP 04
Economy temperature shift
0…10.0K (20°F)
5.0°C (10°F)
CP 05
Switching Span Heating,
Setting this value to 0 disables the auto fan speed function in heating
0…10.0K (20°F)
0.9°C (1.8°F)
CP 06
Switching Span Cooling
Setting this value to 0 disables the auto fan speed function in cooling
0…10.0K (20°F)
0.7°C (1.4°F)
CP 07
Fan Switching Hysteresis
0…10.0K (20°F)
0.5°C (1°F)
CP 08
Mold Protection: OFF = Disabled, ON = Enabled
CP 09
Delay OFF (Minimum running time)
0…255 s
CP 10
Delay ON (Minimum stopping time)
0…255 s
CP 11
2-pipe or 4-pipe system: OFF = 2-pipe, ON = 4-pipe system
CP 12
Dead zone between heating & cooling set point X
0…100°C (200°F)
1.0°C (2°F)
CP 13
Delay on Heat/Cool change over
0…255 min
5 min
Input configuration
Parameter Description
Range Default
CP 14
External input:
0 = No external input
1 = External temperature sensor
2 = Occupation sensor – Comfort / Economy
3 = Occupation sensor – Comfort / Off
4 = Heat / Cool change by open contact. Contact open = Heat
5 = Heat / Cool change by open contact. Contact open = Cool
6 = Auto-changeover based on supply temperature
7 = Auto-changeover based on outside temperature
8 = Key card with alternative setpoint
0…8 0
CP 15
Activation delay (Minutes) = the time the binary input needs to be open
before economy/off mode is activated.
0…255 min
CP 16
Auto-changeover limit cooling for supply temperature CP14 = 6
Auto-changeover limit heating for outside temperature CP14 = 7
or economy setpoint in heating mode if CP14 = 8
-40…60°C (160°F)
16°C (61°F)
CP 17
Auto-changeover limit heating for supply temperature CP14 = 6
Auto-changeover limit cooling for outside temperature CP14 = 7
or economy setpoint in cooling mode if CP14 = 8
-40…60°C (160°F)
28°C (83°F)
Output configuration
Parameter Description
Range Default
CP 18
Enable auto heat / cool change based on temperature
CP 19
Reversing valve action: 0 = Off, 1 = Heating, 2 = Cooling
CP 20
Fan on delay (time the fan runs before stage switch on)
0…255 s
30 s
CP 21
Fan off delay (time the fan keeps running after stage switch off)
0…255 s
90 s
Subject to alteration