Fill the chemical tank
Pour the special fogging chemical mixture into the chemical tank. It is important not to add more chemical than it’s
needed. Once you have used the machine, please make sure there is no chemical left in the tank. Chemicals can
solidify and could block the system next time round. When you finish filling the tank, close the tank cap tightly.
To turn on the machine
Press the power button “START” and keep it pressed for 8 to 10 seconds once you hear combustion starting (sounds
like small explosions). After the engine starts, leave the machine to warm up for around 10 to 20 seconds before
opening the chemical valves.
TIP: If the machine fails to start, press the STOP button (air release) so pressure can be re-established. Press and hold
the start button again for 10 seconds until it starts. If it fails to start, repeat the procedure.
10 MIN
10 MIN