©Vecow ECS-9700/ 9600 GTX1050 User Manual
Appendix A
WDT setup text:
User setting, WDT value, unit: second.
Use for Write button activate.
WDT counting text (read only):
WDT counting by program timer after set WDT.
Shown after Write button action.
WDT setup day format texts (user setting):
User setting, WDT value, format: day‘hour’minute’second.
WDT counting day format text (read only):
WDT counting, format: day‘hour’minute’second.
POE group:
Read button:
Set POE configuration to get POE state.
Write button:
Set POE configuration to set POE state.
POE output text:
User setting, POE output state by hexadecimal bitmask - on / off.
Use for Write button activate.
POE writable text:
User setting, POE writable of POE configuration by hexadecimal bitmask -
yes / no.
Use for Write button activate.
POE mode text:
User setting, POE mode of POE configuration by hexadecimal bitmask -
Auto / Manual.
Use for Write button activate.
POE input text (read only):
POE input state by hexadecimal bitmask - on / off.
Use for Read button activate.
POE text (read only):
POE output state with input state and configuration.
Use for Write button activate.
POE output text (read only):
POE output state with configuration.
Use for Write button activate.
POE input port texts (read only, port 4 ~ port 1):
POE input port state
Use for Read button activate.
POE output port texts (port 4 ~ port 1):
User setting, POE output port state
Use for Write button activate.
POE port writable texts (port 4 ~ port 1):
User setting, POE port writable of POE configuration.
Use for Write button activate.
POE port mode texts (port 4 ~ port 1):
User setting, POE port mode of POE configuration.
Use for Write button activate.