VC20XX_HW.pdf – Hardware Documentation VC20XX Smart Cameras
10 Programming
The cameras are programmed in C with the aid of a cross development system. Any commercially
available PC can be used. The minimum required configuration is a Pentium, 4 MB of extended RAM
(8 MB recommended), Win98 or or higher, hard disk, VGA graphics, HD and mouse
The original cross development system supplied by Texas Instruments includes the following IDE
Code Composer Studio:
ANSI C / C++ compiler
C runtime library
C source debugger
- Linker
- Librarian
- Project Manager
numerous example programs
The following libraries and aids are also available:
Real-time operating system for VC cameras with control of video I/O signals, control of
serial interface and of PLC I/O signals, file management system for flash EPROM and Multi
Media Card. (Ethernet Versions : Ethernet control by SW)
In-circuit emulator
The emulator is connected to the parallel serial interface of a PC. The camera housing must
be opened and the emulator cable must be connected to the diagnosis plug of the camera.
The emulator supports debugging in C and assembly language.
Standard image processing library
Filters (e.g. Sobel, Median, Laplace, 3x3, ...), imaging operations (addition, subtraction, etc.),
transformations (FFT, etc.) image averaging and noise filters, fast binary image processing
with run-length code (AND, OR, XOR, segmentation, morphological operations), feature
extraction (area, center of gravity, momentum, etc.), graphic functions and much more.
compression and decompression of images according to JPEG standards
Measurement library *)
Subpixel sampling, compensation of optical properties and diffraction effects, auto-focus, best
straight line, best circle
*) in preparation
1996-2005 Vision Components GmbH Ettlingen, Germany