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M  a in te n a n c e


O bstructions can be rem oved from the hose by sliding the hose out
from its seating and starting up the suction function but blocking
it interm ittently w ith your hand. D o not insert any item s to rem ove
obstructions from the pipe.

Put the suction unit in a horizontal position in line w ith the electric

Rem ove the screw s from the base: rem ove the base.

Rem ove the obstruction from the hose w ith the aid of a flexible
cleaning sw ab.

Rem oving obstructions from the external hose

Rem oving obstructions from the internal hose

S c re w s


Avoid direct heat sources as these w ill dam age the fi lter.


Filter replacem ent

To m aintain optim um perform ance check filters w henever you replace the dust bag. Replace the fi lters if they
becom e dam aged or discoloured.

Checking castors and w heels

To help m aintain the sm ooth m ovem ent of the m achine, regularly check the front castors and rear w heels and
rem ove any hair or fi bres.


Avoid direct heat sources as these w ill dam age the fi lter.


Содержание VCU-03

Страница 1: ...COMMERCIAL V C U 0 3 V C U 0 3 U s e r G u id e...

Страница 2: ...12 M ot orhousi ng 13 Base 12 5 13 11 10 1 2 3 6 4 7 9 8 W ARNI NG Al w ays sw i t ch of fand unpl ug yourvacuum cl eanerf rom t he el ect ri calsocketbef ore carryi ng openi ng em pt yi ng orconduct...

Страница 3: ...READ SAFETY I NFORM ATI ON BEFORE USE P A G E 8 I ft he sack f ul li ndi cat ort urns red check t he f ol l ow i ng a i ft he dustbag i s f ul l b i ft he brush i s obst ruct ed c i ft he suct i on t...

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Страница 5: ...w i t h t he ai d ofa f l exi bl e cl eani ng sw ab Rem ovi ng obst ruct i ons f rom t he ext ernalhose Rem ovi ng obst ruct i ons f rom t he i nt ernalhose S crew s W ARNI NG Avoi d di rectheatsourc...

Страница 6: ...m ot orf i l t er W i ri ng di agr am Spare part s CAUTI ON Any j ob i nvol vi ng t he el ect ri c equi pm entm ustbe carri ed outby qual i f i ed personnelonl y W i ri ng di agr am ON OFF Sw i t ch C...

Страница 7: ...g t he f i l t ers on page 4 There m ay be a bl ockage i n t he t ube orhose Di sconnectt he hose f rom t he vacuum cl eaner caref ul l y rem ove any bl ockages f ound and reconnectsecurel y W hy w on...

Страница 8: ...ervi ce Neveruse t he vacuum cl eanerw i t h a dam aged cabl e orpl ug I ft he appl i ance does notoperat e correct l y ori fi thas been dropped ordam aged l ef tout doors or i m m ersed i n w at er t...

Страница 9: ...act s i n t he pow ersocketm ustnevercom e i nt o cont actw i t h w at er These part s can onl y be w i ped cl ean w i t h a dry cl ot h and m ustnotbe al l ow ed t o com e i nt o cont actw i t h m oi...

Страница 10: ...t e oft he seri alnum berand m odelnum beroft he vacuum cl eanerbef ore cal l i ng For t he nearestServi ce Agent pl ease cal lt he Vax Com m erci alCarel i ne orvi si tvaxcom m erci al co uk Techni c...

Страница 11: ...ed Used vacuum cl eaner The sym bol s f ort he m at eri al s used t o m anuf act ure part s and accessori es and t he recycl e sym bol s are l ocat ed on t he part s t hem sel ves w here t here i s r...

Страница 12: ...V e rs io n 1 0 The Clean Machine Direct Limited Unit 11 Stafford Park 12 Telford TF3 3BJ Telephone 01952 418000 Website www thecleanmachine co uk...
