Voice recognition
While voice recognition is active,
the system displays a
symbol in
the top right of the screen.
2. Clearly speak the command
3. Clearly speak one of the
commands in this section.
The following commands only apply
once the Navigation command is
(Select | Change) Country: Changes
the country origin to input a
destination from that region.
[Destination] Address [entry] | (Enter
| Go to | Navigate to) [Destination]
Address: Allows an address to be
stated as a one-shot method. The
system will recognise the address if
stated all at once or say a city Centre.
Directed Address: Allows an address
to be stated one step at a time. The
format will be Country, City, Street,
then House Number.
[Destination] (Intersection | Junction):
Allows an Intersection to be stated as
the destination. The format will be
Country, City, Street, then
Navigate to Contact: When a phone
is paired to the system, which
contains address Information stored
for contacts, the address associated
with that contact can become a route.
If the system cannot resolve the
address, an error displays.
Home: Instructs the system to start
guidance to the address saved as My
(POI | (Place | Point) of Interest):
Allows a Point of Interest to be stated
as a destination. Become familiar with
the POI categories and sub-
categories in the system by pressing
Destination from the Home Page or
DEST on the faceplate, then selecting
Points of Interest. POI commands for
Along Route and Around Destination
will be available if route guidance is
Add Waypoint: Allows addition of
individual waypoints or the
destination. The system will ask for
the choice of entry method to
continue. An example is to say, “(POI
| (Place | Point) of Interest) along [the]
(route | way)” or “[Destination]
(Intersection | Junction).”
Delete Waypoint: When guidance is
active, this command allows the
deletion of individual waypoints or the
destination. If guidance is not active,
the system will indicate the
destination list is empty.
Where am I| [My] Current Location |
What is My Current Location :
Instructs the system to give the
current position of the vehicle.
Help: The system plays back more
specific help commands associated
with Navigation or a Navigation sub-
Cancel Guidance: Instructs the
system to cancel guidance.