Varisco S.p.A.
Z.I. Nord - Terza Strada, 9 - 35129 PADOVA – ITALY
Tel.+39.049.8294111 Email: [email protected]
Fax+39.049.8076762 Web: www.variscospa.com
3. Loosen the fixing grub screw in the threaded hole (02) and extract from the support (05) the
drive (03) + housing (04) in the direction of the black arrow.
4. Extract the drive housing slowly, making sure not to damage the seals inside (see picture B).
5. Remove the screws (06) and the gland (07).
6. Remove the seals (08) and the separating ring (09).
WARNING In bearings-mounted pumps as in the picture above, before inserting the male shaft (10)
in the hollow shaft, make sure the grub screw slot (11) coincides with the threaded hole (02) in the
hollow shaft; then the mechanic seal will be correctly positioned. Otherwise, push the propeller
shaft as far as the slot coincides with the threaded hole of the hollow shaft grub screw. RE-ASSEMBLY
1. Check the condition of the seal faces (as well as the O rings in some types of seal).
2. Check the condition of the hollow shaft.
3. Clean the hollow shaft, the slot (04) (see picture above) and all involved parts.
4. Clean and oil the male shaft (10) (Rust jams the shafts coupling, thus increasing the danger
of damage during disassembly).
5. Wet with glycerine the hollow shaft on the involved area to ease the insertion of the
mechanic seal.
6. Carefully clean the seal faces and the separating ring before assembly.
7. Perform the steps as described in Chap. backwards.
WARNING: During re-assembly, it is necessary to distribute the pressure uniformly on the fixed
ring, to prevent malfunctioning or failures.
1. Disconnext flux piping (if fluxed seal).
2. Remove the motor (see picture A), after unscrewing the grub screw in the thread (01).
3. Remove the stator and the pump body following the procedure outlined in Chap. 9.3.1
(points 1 and 2).
4. Extract from the support (02) the drive (03) + housing (04) in the direction of the black