10M or 15M, press the ENTER button to store. Press the MENU button back to the last menu or let the unit idle
one minute to exit menu mode.
Reset Defaults
Select Reset Defaults, press the ENTER button to confi rm, Are you sure? will show on the display, press the EN-
TER button to store. Press the MENU button back to the last menu or let the unit idle one minute to exit menu
To select DMX, press the ENTER button to confi rm, use the UP/DOWN button to select Address, DMX Mode,
Select Signal, Set Artnet, DMX Fail/No DMX, Pan/Tilt or Data.
To select Address, press the ENTER button to confi rm. Use the UP/DOWN button to adjust the address from 001
to 512, press the ENTER button to store. Press the MENU button back to the last menu or let the unit idle one
minute to exit menu mode.
DMX Mode
To select DMX Mode, press the ENTER button to confi rm. Use the UP/DOWN button to select 16-bit Enh, 16-bit
or Clone Mode, press the ENTER button to store. Press the MENU button back to the last menu or let the unit
idle one minute to exit menu mode.
Select Signal
To select Select Signal, press the ENTER button to confi rm. Use the UP/DOWN button to select DMX Only or
Art-Net, press the ENTER button to store. Press the MENU button back to the last menu or let the unit idle one
minute to exit menu mode.
To select Art-Net, press the ENTER button to confi rm. Use the UP/DOWN button to select On or Off , press the
ENTER button to store. Press the MENU button back to the last menu or let the unit idle one minute to exit
menu mode.
Set Artnet
To select Set Artnet, press the ENTER button to confi rm. Use the UP/DOWN button to select Set Universe, Net,
Sub-Net, Ethernet IP or Ether Mask IP, press the ENTER button to store. Press the MENU button back to the last
menu or let the unit idle one minute to exit menu mode.
DMX Fail / No DMX
To select DMX Fail / No DMX press the ENTER button to confi rm. Use the UP/DOWN button to select Hold, Fade
to blackout or Goto Preset, press the ENTER button to store. Press the MENU
button back to the last menu or let the unit idle one minute to exit menu mode.
To select Pan/Tilt, press the ENTER button to confi rm. Use the UP/DOWN button to select Swap Pan/Tilt, Invert
Pan or Invert Tilt, press the ENTER button to store. Use the UP/DOWN button to select Off or On, press the EN-
TER button to store. Press the MENU button back to the last menu or let the unit idle one minute to exit menu
To select Data, press the ENTER button to confi rm. Use the UP/DOWN button to select Ch1-Intensity, Ch2-Inten-
sity Fine or ….All functions, press the ENTER button to store. Press the MENU button back to the last menu or let
the unit idle one minute to exit menu mode.
To select Fixture, press the ENTER button to confi rm, use the UP/DOWN button to select Status, ReCal (Fixture),
Reboot Fixture, Version, Fixture Hours, Cross load (Software) or Service.
Select Status, press the ENTER button to confi rm, (No Errors... or displays a list of errors) will show on the dis-
play, press the MENU button back to exit.
Recal (Fixture)
Select Recal (Fixture), press the ENTER button to confi rm, Are you sure? will show on the display, press the EN-
TER button to store. Press the MENU button back to the last menu or let the unit idle one minute to exit menu