Telephone Spain: +34 671 93 55 53 – Telephone Portugal: +351 251 70 9144 – info @vanguardmarine.com -
it `s a registered trademark Vanguard Marine Lda
The repair concerning the foam part is the same as described above
In case of damage on the inflatable core the repair must be done in the
shipyard or in an authorized after sale service.
All modifications that may affect the safety characteristics of the RIB must be
evaluated, carried out and documented by competent personnel. Vanguard
Marine Lda cannot be held responsible for any modification not approved by
Vanguard Marine Lda.
Under the scope of the
European directive 2013/53
we reproduce the
following whereas and articles included in the directive due to their special
interest in relation to the commercialization of boats and modifications to them:
(16) Any economic operator that either places a product on the market under
its own name or trademark or modifies a product in such a way that
compliance with the applicable requirements may be affected should be
considered to be the manufacturer and should
assume the obligations of the manufacturer.
(29) It is crucial to make clear to manufacturers, private importers and users
that by affixing the CE marking to the product, the manufacturer declares that
the product is in conformity with all applicable requirements and takes full
responsibility thereof.
Article 11
Cases in which obligations of manufacturers apply to importers and
An importer or distributor shall be considered a manufacturer for the purposes
of this Directive and he shall be subject to the obligations of the manufacturer
under Article 7, where he places a product on the market under his name or
trademark or modifies a product already placed on the market in such a way
that compliance with the requirements of this Directivemay be affected.
Therefore and in accordance with the European Directive 2013/53 in
whereas (29), the CE marking reflects the manufacturer's certificate of
conformity. However, in accordance with Articles 7 and 11, in those cases
where an economic operator carries out significant conversions on the original
boat, he shall assume the obligations of the manufacturer, rendering the
original declaration of conformity invalid.