Valon Technology 5009 Operations Manual – Version 1.36
Page 33
Source<1|2>; SDN<00|10|11>
Spur mitigation modes. 00=low-noise mode, 10=low-spur mode1, 11=low-spur mode2. User
can enter 0 for 00, 2 for 10, and 3 for 11, either format is acceptable. (Reg2 30:29). Default is
low noise mode. Use low-spur modes at integer boundaries of the PFD frequency. Integer
boundaries occur at frequencies at are integer multiples of the PFD frequency. For example,
with a PFD of 20MHz, 2000MHz is an integer (100) boundary.
Source<1|2>; INTFRAC <0,1,2>
0= Fractional mode (Default). Fractional mode even when frequency is integer multiple of PFD
1= Integer mode. Output frequency will be set to the closest integer multiple of the PFD
2= Fractional mode and switched to integer mode automatically if frequency is a multiple of the
PFD frequency.
Source<1|2>; NAMe <name>
Allows the user to specify an alias name of up to 48 characters long for each source. Naming the
source helps identify the use of each output.