The preheating temperature for the defrost function in the heat recovery cell is chosen
with the + and – buttons.
3.3.24. Pre-heating temperature for the defrost function in the heat recovery cell
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The hysteresis of the defrost function in the heat recovery cell is selected with the + and – buttons.
3.3.22. Hysteresis of the defrost function in the heat recovery cell
The interval for the maintenance reminder is selected with the + and – buttons. The
maintenance reminder interval refers to months.
3.3.21. Choosing maintenance reminder interval
Maintenance rem.
A water or electric radiator is selected with the + and – buttons, depending on the type of post-
heating radiator the unit is equipped with.
Note! Choosing the wrong type of post-heating causes a faulty post-heating function.
3.3.20. Choosing post-heating for the unit
Radiator type
electric rad.
The basic humidity level can be chosen as either automatic or manual. The selection is
done with the + and – buttons.
3.3.19. Choosing the basic humidity level
Rh-level setting
The desired setpoint is chosen with the + and – buttons when manual adjustment has been selected
as the Rh level setting (humidity setting, section 3.3.19).
3.3.16. Setpoint of the basic humidity level
Basic %RH level
The desired cell bypass temperature is selected with the + and – buttons. If outdoor temperature
is lower than cell bypass temperature, the summer / winter damper is in the winter position.
3.3.15. Changing the operating temperature of heat recovery cell bypass
Cell bypass
The desired adjustment value for the DC fan is selected with the + and – buttons. The rotation speed
of the supply air fan can be lowered by decreasing the percentage value. If the unit has alternating
current fans, this adjustment has no impact on the functioning of the unit.
3.3.14. Adjusting the direct current fan of the supply air side
DC fan - supply
The mode of operation of the switch (either fireplace or booster switch) is selected
with the + and – buttons.
3.3.17. Mode of operation of the fireplace / booster switch
Switch type
Fireplace switch
Cascade control is activated or deactivated with the + and – buttons.
3.3.18. Choosing cascade control for supply air temperature
Cascade adjust
The setpoint for CO
adjustment is chosen with the + and – buttons.
3.3.25. Changing the setpoint for carbon dioxide adjustment
0900 PPM
The desired maximum fan speed is selected with the + and – buttons. Maximum fan
speed is on either with adjustments or permanently. See section 3.3.6. Mode of
operation of the maximum speed setting.
3.3.26. Choosing maximum fan speed
MAX speed
The stopping temperature of the supply air fan for the defrost function in the heat
recovery cell is chosen with the + and – buttons.
3.3.23. Stopping temperature of the supply air fan for the defrost function in the heat recovery cell
Supply fan stop