background image


29)   Always connect this machine to an adequate vacuuming 

plant, fitted with a dust filter. 

30)   Do not put your fingers into the sawdust opening or near 

any moving part. 

31)   Check that the surface to be milled is free of nails or 

pieces of metal. 


1)   The power supply voltage must match that indicated on 

the technical data label.  Do not exploit any other type 

of power supply.

2)   It is necessary to install a trip switch along the electrical 

power supply line.  Consult a competent electrician.

3)   Do not pass over the power supply cable, you could cut 

it.  Make sure that you know where the power supply 

cable is at all times.

4)   Do not use the machine in damp or wet areas or in the 


5)   The power supply cable must be checked on a regular 

basis and before each use of the tool to check if it is 

damaged or worn.  If it is seen to be in poor condition 

do not use the machine but have the cable repaired by 

an authorised service centre.

6)   If you are using a cable-reel for the extension cable, run 

the whole cable out completely otherwise it could heat 

up and catch fire.

7)   If you are using an extension cable make sure that it is 

of a certified type.  Keep it away from the work area, 

from damp, wet, greasy and sharp surfaces and also 

from sources of heat and combustibles

8)   The socket of the extension cable must be a certified 

10-16A/250V two-pole type.  The cross section of the 

wire must be equal to or greater than 1 mm².  Use a 

matched cable no lighter than the H05VV-F type

9)   Always pull on the plug to disconnect from the mains 

power socket. 

10)  Do not lift or drag the machine by the power cable. 

 This machine is manufactured with a double insulation 

system.  Double insulation offers additional electrical safety 

and means that there is no need to earth the machine. 


 ATTENTION! When fitting or replacing accessories, 

always remove the plug from the power supply socket.

 before using this machine check the completeness of 

the machine and all its accessories.

 Protective gloves must always be worn when carrying 

out the following operations. 



Slacken the screw (1) and remove the support (3) from the 

casing of the machine (2).  Using the 10 mm spanner (4) 

hold the motor shaft steady and use the 17 mm spanner (5) 

to slacken the nut (6).  Insert the milling cutter in the chuck, 

tighten the nut well using the spanner.  Refit the support (3) 

onto the machine casing (2) and tighten using the screw (1).  


Check that the switch (Fig. A Pos. 2) is in the OFF position.  

Connect the plug on the milling machine to the power supply 


To start: push the switch to ON or I.

To switch off: push the button to OFF or O.  

 Warning! After the milling machine has been switched 

off it continues to turn for a number of seconds.  Do not 

put it down or touch any moving parts until it has stopped 


 When using this machine, never release your grip on the 

tool so that, in case of danger, you can stop it immediately. 

It is advisable to repeat these operations a number of times 

before starting work to familiarise yourself with the controls. 


MILLINg SUPPORT bASE (where not assembled) (fig. D)

This element for the base for attaching all other accessories.  

Insert the support (4) into the motor casing (Fig. A Pos. 1) 

pushing it all the way in, and tighten using the screw (1). 

The milling support base may be adjusted in two ways:

1) setting the cutting depth:

  With the milling cutter in place, slacken the screw (1) and 

align the base (2) with the upper side of the milling cutter.  

Read off the measurement shown on the graduated rod (3) 

and, starting from this measurement, lower the adjustment 

support (4) until the required depth is reached.  Tighten 

the screw (1) well. 

2) setting the cutting angle: 

  Slacken the wing nuts (5) and using the graduated scale 

(6) incline the base (2) to the required angle.  Tighten the 

wing nuts (5) well without over tightening them. 

LATERAL gUIDE (where not assembled) (fig. E)

Fit this accessory (1) under the base, fixing it using the two 

bolts and wing nuts (2).  This is used to carry out milling 

parallel to the axis of the machine, on finished surfaces.  It 

also has a sawdust remover (3) that can be connected to 

a vacuum plant.  The lower part has a grip (4) to facilitate 

holding the tool while working. 

The distance between the milling axis and the support can be 

adjusted.  Slacken the wing nuts (2) and using the graduated 

rule on the base, position the guide at the required distance, 

tightening the wing nuts carefully without over tightening 

them.  Fig. F illustrates the use of this accessory. 


Remove the lateral guide (Fig. A Pos. 10) if fitted. 

Содержание F401V

Страница 1: ...S DE SEGURIDAD Instrucciones originales Πλάνη ÅÃ ÅÉÑÉÄÉÏ ÏÄÇÃÉÙÍ ÑÇÓÇÓ ÊÁÉ ÏÄÇÃÉÙÍ ÁÓÖÁËÅÉÁÓ Ðñùôüôõðåò ïäçãßåò 1467006 12 06 2014 ATTENZIONE Prima di usare la macchina leggete attentamente le istruzioni per l uso CAUTION Before starting the machine read the operating instructions carefully ATTENTION Avant la mise en service de la machine lire scrupuleusement le mode d emploi ATENCIÓN Antes de usa...

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Страница 4: ... o poco ventilati ed in presenza di liquidi polveri gas ed altri elementi infiammabili e o esplosivi 5 Utilizzate un utensile di potenza adeguata al lavoro da svolgere evitando inutili sovraccarichi rischiosi per l operatore e per la durata dell utensile stesso 6 Non togliete mai nessun componente dell utensile e non modificatelo in alcun modo 7 Assicuratevi che il pezzo in lavorazione sia bloccat...

Страница 5: ...cchina 2 il suppor to 3 Con la chiave fissa da 10mm 4 tenete fermo l albero motore e con quella da 17mm 5 svitate leggermente il dado 6 Inserite la fresa nel mandrino avvitate e bloccate bene il dado con le chiavi Rimontate il supporto 3 nel corpo macchina 2 e fissate la vite 1 AVVIAMENTO Controllate che l interruttore Fig A pos 2 sia nella posizione spento OFF Collegate la spina della fresatrice ...

Страница 6: ...l utensile evitando che vi sfugga di mano quando non incontra più resistenza per mancanza di materiale Prima di proseguire nel lavoro definitivo eseguite delle prove per accertarvi che l utensile impiegato e la profondità di taglio sia la più corretta Assicuratevi del senso di rotazione della fresa e scegliete la direzione di taglio idonea vedi Fig T Per lavorazioni rettilinee aiutatevi sempre con...

Страница 7: ...6015 SCHIO VI ITALY Dichiara sotto la propria responsabilità che la macchina PRODOTTO Fresatrice rifinitore MODELLO TIPO F401V COD PRODOTTO 1467006 è conforme ai requisiti di sicurezza e salute delle direttive 2006 42 CE 2004 108 CE 2011 65 CE SCHIO 10 2014 Un procuratore ARRIGO ZANELLA garanzia Il prodotto è tutelato a norma di legge contro non conformità rispetto alle caratteristiche dichiarate ...

Страница 8: closed or poorly ventilated areas or in the presence of flammable and or explosive liquids powders gasses or anything else of this kind 5 Use a tool of suitable power for the job to be performed avoiding useless overloads which could be hazardous for the person using it and could also wear the tool early 6 Never remove any component from the tool and do not modify it in any way 7 Makesure that ...

Страница 9: ...old the motor shaft steady and use the 17 mm spanner 5 to slacken the nut 6 Insert the milling cutter in the chuck tighten the nut well using the spanner Refit the support 3 onto the machine casing 2 and tighten using the screw 1 STARTING Check that the switch Fig A Pos 2 is in the OFF position Connect the plug on the milling machine to the power supply socket To start push the switch to ON or I T...

Страница 10: ... avoid it slipping from your grasp when there is no more resistance from the material being worked Before carrying out final work do a few tests to check that the tool used and the depth set are correct Check the direction of rotation of the milling cutter and choose the most suitable working direction see Fig T For straight runs always use a straight edge suitably fixed to the work piece see Fig ...

Страница 11: ...nts Declaration of conformity The company Valex via Lago Maggiore 24 36015 SCHIO VI ITALY Declares under its own responsibility that the machine PRODUCT Milling trimming machine MODEL F401V PRODUCT CODE 1467006 complies with health and safety directives 2006 42 EC 2004 108 EC 2011 65 EC SCHIO 10 2014 Attorney ARRIGO ZANELLA Warranty The product is protected by law against non compliance with the d...

Страница 12: ...ux et ne les laissez pas s approcher pendant que vous travaillez 4 Ne mettez pas en marche la machine dans des lieux fermés ou peu aérés et en présence de liquides poudres gaz et autres éléments inflammables et ou explosifs 5 Utilisez une machine de puissance adaptée au travail que vous effectuez en évitant d inutiles surcharges dangereuses pour l opérateur et pour la durée de vie de la machine 6 ...

Страница 13: débranchez toujours la fiche de la prise de courant Avant de procéder à la mise en service de la machine contrôlez l équipement et assurez vous que la machine et les accessoires sont en bon état Pour exécuter les opérations suivantes il faut toujours porter des gants de protection MONTAGE FRAISE Fig C Desserrez la vis 1 puis enlevez le support 3 du corps machine 2 Avec la clé fixe de 10 mm 4 re...

Страница 14: ...ustre le mode d utilisation de cet accessoire CONSEILS POUR L UTILISATION Après avoir lu avec attention les normes de sécurité suivez scrupuleusement ces conseils car ils vous permettront d exploiter au mieux les performances de votre défonceuse Procédez avec calme ce n est qu après avoir acquis une bonne expérience que vous réussirez à exploiter toutes les potentialités de la machine Ne mettez la...

Страница 15: ...ollectés séparément par les centres de collecte ou remis au vendeur en cas d achat d un nouvel article similaire L élimination non conforme des déchets est passible de sanctions administratives DÉCLARATION DE CONFORMITÉ La société soussignée Valex via Lago Maggiore 24 36015 SCHIO VI ITALIE Déclare sous sa responsabilité que la machine PRODUIT Défonceuse MODELE F401V CODE PRODUIT 1467006 Est confor...

Страница 16: ...n sitios cerrados o poco ventilados ni donde haya líquidos polvos gases u otros elementos inflamables o explosivos 5 Utilice una herramienta de potencia adecuada para la labor a realizar evitando sobrecargas inútiles y perjudi ciales para el operador y la duración de la herramienta 6 No quite nunca ningún componente de la herramienta ni la modifique de ninguna manera 7 Compruebe que la pieza a mec...

Страница 17: ...siempre guantes de protección MONTAJE FRESA Fig C Afloje el tornillo 1 y quite el soporte 3 del cuerpo de la máquina 2 Con la llave fija de 10 mm 4 mantenga quieto el eje motor y con la llave de 17 mm 5 desenrosque comple tamente la tuerca 6 Ponga la fresa en el mandril enrosque y apriete la tuerca con las llaves Monte de nuevo el soporte 3 en el cuerpo de la máquina 2 y fíjelo con el tornillo 1 P...

Страница 18: ... con el trabajo definitivo realice una pruebas para comprobar que la herramienta utilizada y la profundidad de corte sean las más adecuadas Compruebe el sentido de giro de la fresa y elija la dirección de corte adecuada ver Fig T Para mecanizados rectos utilice siempre una regla oportu namente fijada a la pieza a fresar ver Fig U No sobrecargue la máquina sino realice mecanizados ligeros con varia...

Страница 19: ...ía Valex via Lago Maggiore 24 36015 SCHIO VI ITALY Declara bajo su responsabilidad que la máquina PRODUCTO Fresadora Recortadora MODELO TIPO F401V CÓD PRODUCTO 1467006 se encuentra conforme a los requisitos de seguridad y salud establecidos en las directivas 2006 42 CE 2004 108 CE 2011 65 CE SCHIO 10 2014 Un procurador ARRIGO ZANELLA GARANTÍA El producto está protegido por la ley contra el incumpl...

Страница 20: ...ορεί να καταστεί επικίνδυνο για τον χρήστη 3 Απομακρύνετε από την ακτίνα εργασίας σας πράγματα άτομα και ζώα και μη τους επιτρέπετε να πλησιάσουν ενώ εσείς εργάζεστε 4 Μη θέτετε σε λειτουργία το εργαλείο σε κλειστούς χώρους ή με λιγοστό αερισμό και με παρουσία υγρών σκόνης αερίων και άλλων εύφλεκτων ή και εκρήξιμων υλικών 5 Χρησιμοποιείτε εργαλείο κατάλληλης ισχύος για την εργασία που θα διεξάγετε...

Страница 21: ...τρική ασφάλεια και δεν καθιστά απαραίτητη τη γείωση του μηχανήματος ΘΕΣΗ ΣΕ ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑ ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ Κατά την συναρμολόγηση ή την αντικατάσταση αξεσουάρ βγάλτε τον ρευματολήπτη από την ηλεκτρική πρίζα Πριν θέσετε σε λειτουργία το εργαλείο ελέγξτε τον εξοπλισμό την ακεραιότητα του μηχανήματος και κάθε αξεσουάρ Για τις επόμενες εργασίες είναι αναγκαίο να φοράτε πάντα προστατευτικά γάντια ΜΟΝΤΑΡΙΣΜΑ ΦΡΕΖΑΣ...

Страница 22: ...κτέλεση εργασιών αντιγράφοντας ένα ήδη υπάρχον προφίλ Η διάμετρος της φρέζας που θα χρησιμοποιηθεί με το αξεσουάρ αυτό είναι 6mm Η εξωτερική διάμετρος του οδηγού αντιγραφής προφίλ είναι 10 mm Ωστόσο η διαφορά μεταξύ τους προς αντιγραφή προφίλ και της προς εκτέλεση κατεργασίας είναι 2mm 6 Η Εικ S δείχνει τη χρήση του αξεσουάρ αυτού ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΕΣ ΧΡΗΣΗΣ Αφού διαβάσετε προσεκτικά τους κανονισμούς ασφάλει...

Страница 23: ...ßíäõíåò ãéá ôï ðåñéâÜëëïí êáé ôçí áíèñþðéíç õãåßá Äåí ðñÝðåé óõíåðþò íá äéáôßèåíôáé ìå ôá ïéêéáêÜ áëëÜ ìÝóù ùñéóôÞò óõëëïãÞò óôá áíôßóôïé á êÝíôñá óõëëïãÞò Þ íá ðáñáäßíïíôáé óôïí ìåôáðùëçôÞ óå ðåñßðôùóç áðüêôçóçò íÝáò áíÜëïãçò óõóêåõÞò Ç áõèáßñåôç äéÜèåóç ôùí áðïññéììÜôùí óõíåðÜãåôáé ôçí åðéâïëÞ äéïéêçôéêþí ðïéíþí ÔñïðïðïéÞóåéò êåßìåíá êáé äåäïìÝíá áíôéóôïé ïýí óôï óôÜíôáñ ðïõ äéáìïñöþèçêå êáôÜ ôç...

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