With guitar amps (using FX Loop to run the 4 cable method)
This method will split the GP-200's e ect chain into two parts (as shown below). It allows you to place the GP-200's PRE
and DST modules before the preamp, while placing the EQ, MOD, DLY and RVB modules between the preamp and the
power amp.
In order to get the best tonal performance, please keep the AMP and CAB modules o to avoid any adverse e ect on the
Also note that please set the FX Loop in the Patch Settings to “Series”.
Audio Studio (for livestreaming)
In this scenario, the GP-200 will be functioned as an audio interface for a computer or a cell phone. Use the supplied USB
cable to connect to the computer; if connecting to a cell phone, an additional OTG adapter cable may be required. When
under Windows system prior to Windows 10, it needs to be used with the ASIO driver available for downloading on the
Valeton o icial website; while on MacOS, iOS, Android and Windows system after Windows 10, it can be easily plugged in
and played. The input signal (INPUT) and the auxiliary input signal (AUX IN)* of the GP-200 can be used by all the devices
connected to the USB.
*Please make sure the "Global - USB Audio- AUX IN USB" function is enabled.
Application Scenarios