MIDAS SVX2 Combined SV and CT Profiler - Operating Manual
MANUAL-1553401442-1 | issue: 1.5
Page | 7
Valeport Ltd A Note About Removable Memory
We are sometimes asked whether we offer these devices with removable memory. The answer is
no we don’t, but there are sound reasons for this. It is natural to think that since removable
memory cards are now the norm in consumer electronics, they must be “state of the art” and
therefore desirable in all applications, but this is not necessarily the case.
An essential feature of an underwater instrument is that it is water-tight; this is achieved by
using various seals on the mechanical parts of the device. Every time that one of these seals
is broken and remade, it introduces a small risk that the seal is not correctly made, and the
instrument could leak. The fewer times that the device has to be opened, the better
certainly wouldn’t want to do it after every profile to get the memory card
All memory cards are susceptible to ESD shock (static electricity) while being handled. We
take the view that the value of your data means it shouldn’t be exposed to the possibility of this
risk, which could result in loss of all data on the card.
Memory cards are not particularly efficient at storing data
they will only accept minimum
sized lumps of data at a time. This may be perfect for a camera where you instantly generate
a few Mbytes, not so for an application where you only want to store a few bytes of data at a
From a practical point of view, the time taken to connect a cable and extract the data to PC is
actually typically much less than the time to open the device, remove the memory, replace the
memory, and close the device up again.
The implementation of removable memory is not technically difficult, but we believe that the
disadvantages currently outweigh any possible advantages in this product and its applications.
However, should circumstances change it will of course be considered for future product