Valcom, Inc.
5614 Hollins Road
Roanoke, VA 24019
P. 540-563-2000
F. 540-362-9800
Valcom, Inc.
5614 Hollins Road
Roanoke, VA 24019
P. 540-563-2000
F. 540-362-9800
The function of this section is to quickly configure a new master clock by using the master clock’s web
interface. This instruction set covers NTP and GPS time sources only. For a full list of features available
through the web interface, please see the section labeled
Web Interface-Log In
. If you are unable to
program the master clock through the web interface, go to the section labeled “Manual Controls” for an
alternative programming method. This section continues from “Basic Configuration--DHCP and Static IP.”
Please complete that section first.
Firewall Ports 80 (TCP) and 123 (UDP) must be open to use the master clock on a network.
1) Access the web interface on a web browser (such as Internet Explorer) by entering the master clock IP
address into your browsers address bar. The first three numbers of your master clock’s IP address can be
viewed by pressing and releasing both buttons on the master clock front panel simultaneously. Repeating
this action will show the other numbers of the IP address.
2) Enter the password for the web interface. It should be
. Do not use the keyboard number pad. To
submit the password, use your mouse or touchpad to press the Log In button. Pressing the enter/return
key on your keyboard does not submit the password. If the password does not work,
contact tech support.
Basic Configuration - Web Interface