IP Solutions SetupTool
Page 10
Group Membership
tabs in the VIP-102B Programming tool are
used if the V-9972 has been upgraded with
the Valcom Gateway license. When used in
combination with other Valcom IP devices,
the information in the Channels tab (such
as Dial Code) would need to be entered
with values appropriate for the overall
installation. The Group Membership
tab is used to assigned this V-9972 to
appropriate Valcom IP Paging groups.
Refer to the VIP-102B Reference Manual
for more information.
tab is used to enter the necessary
information for theV-9972 to be a
SIP endpoint on a SIP-enabled PBX.
The main fields are described below.
For a full description of all fields, refer
to the VIP-102B Reference Manual.
– Sets the transport protocol to be used for SIP
communications. Selections indicate what transport protocol the
VIP device will accept inbound and which protocol to originate
outbound. “Accept: TCP+UDP, Originate: UDP” is the default.
Other selections allow define UDP to be accepted and originate
with UDP, or allow TCP or UDP to be accepted and originate TCP.
Phone Number
– Defines the unique number that is assigned to
this device. The SIP Phone Number, or directory number, is the
number this device will respond to for inbound SIP connections.
Phone Numbers can contain letters, numbers, period (.) or hyphen (-).
– The text description of this SIP identity (30 charac-
ters maximum). This is for information only.
Authentication Name
– The identification used to register with a
SIP server or Proxy. This can also be referred to as a username for
the SIP server.
– The password used with the Authentication Name when
registering with a SIP server.
– The security domain in which the Authentication Name
and Secret are defined. Generally, this field can be left blank unless
required by the SIP server or provider.
SIP Servers
– The SIP registrar server(s) to which this endpoint
device will attempt to register. At least one primary (required) and
up to 3 backup servers may be entered. These entries may be an IP
address or server hostnames (if DNS is properly configured on the
Network Tab). The Register checkbox must be selected (checked)
to enable the registration to occur. The DNS SRV can be checked if
the SIP servers are defined using DNS SRV records to provide a list
of SIP servers.
Channel Priority
– Sets the priority of a SIP call for paging relative to
calls originating on the FXS or FXO inputs when Store and Play is used.