How to restore the fuel flow
After a few tries, fuel should squirt out of #3. It
should shoot out about 12". If you only get a
trickle, or no fuel, there may be several factors
contributing to the clogging. Please replace a fuel
If you have a good flow at #3, reconnect the flat
head screw and turn on the switch. The fuel will
flow at #2 and if it is a constant flow with a
minimum of 2" in height, turn off the switch and
reconnect the fitting #1.
Note: Insufficient amounts of fuel at the nozzle may cause the unit not to ignite and the raw fuel
that drips on the insulator will cause the black smoke when the heater does ignite.
If the heater produces a lot of black smoke, is difficult to fire or never ignites; please perform
the following procedures before replacing the pump and/or nozzle.
Make sure that the pump turns on (you can feel and hear the vibration). This will occur
approximately 5 seconds after the switch has been turned on.
Make sure that the electrode is sparking. You will hear the sparking and can see it
through the front disk right after turning on the heater. (Take the heater to a dimly lit
area for this spark check).
If the above items all check out properly and the unit is still not firing, place a pan under the
pump to collect fuel during the next procedure. (If either 1 or 2 is the problem, please refer to
the troubleshooting).
Unscrew the brass fitting #1 completely and push it
aside, so that the fuel outlet nipple #2 is visible.
Turn on switch and look for fuel coming out of #2.
The fuel flow must be at least 2" high. If the
required fuel height is met, only the nozzle should
be replaced and clean and flush the tank with
kerosene, alcohol or acetone.
If no fuel is coming out or there is only a trickle,
remove the #3 flat head screw, and turn on the