Vaisala Surge Protector WSP150 is a compact transient overvoltage suppressor designed for outdoor
use. It can provide overvoltage protection for 2 power supply lines and serial communication (RS-422,
RS-485, RS-232) or for 2 mA loop lines. It can be used with:
WXT530 Series
WMT700 (non-heated)
WA15 Wind Set
WM30 Wind Set
Other instruments or serial communication lines can be protected if the current consumption is less
than 1.5 A. A nearby lightning strike can induce a high-voltage surge not tolerable by the integral surge
suppressors of the instrument. Additional protection is needed in regions with severe thunderstorms,
especially when long line cables (> 30 m (98 ft 5 in)) are used.
Vaisala recommends using a surge protector in installations on top of high buildings or masts and on
open grounds, and in all sites with an elevated risk of a lightning strike.
The surge protector provides additional filtering for blocking the HF-conducted interference induced
into the cables in installations.
The surge protector has 4 channels: 2 dedicated for power lines and 2 for data lines. Each channel uses
a 3-stage protection scheme with gas discharge tubes, voltage-dependent resistors, and transient
zener diodes. Both differential and common-mode protection is provided for each channel: across the
wire pair, against the operating voltage ground, and against earth.
Quick Guide
Vaisala Surge Protector WSP150
Vaisala Oyj
Vanha Nurmijärventie 21
FI-01670 Vantaa, Finland
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