Chapter 3 ______________________________________________________ Installation of the Mast
VAISALA _______________________________________________________________________ 43
Figure 30
Recommended Mast Length on Top of a Building
Air Temperature and Relative
The radiation shield is important in protecting the sensor from direct
sunlight and should always be used.
For mast installations, the height of the sensor should be set between
1.5 to 2 meters. Avoid the following installation sites to ensure correct
measurements: shaded areas, steep slopes, heat sources, swamps, high
vegetation, and places that might hold water after rains.
QMR101M Rain Gauge is installed on the same sensor arm with the
air temperature and relative humidity probe. In general, objects should
not be closer to the gauge than a distance twice their height above the
gauge opening.
The orifice of the gauge must be on a horizontal plane, open to the
sky, and above the level of in-splashing and snow accumulation. In
general, objects should not be closer to the gauge than a distance twice
their height above the gauge orifice.