Chapter 2 __________________________________________________________ Product Overview
VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 9
This chapter introduces Vaisala Balloon Launcher FB15.
Introduction to Vaisala Balloon Launcher FB15
Vaisala Balloon Launcher FB15 is a manually operated set for
launching radiosondes of type RS80, RS90 and RS92. Designed for
one-man operations, the lightweight launcher is made of glass-fiber
reinforced plastic. The launcher is used at meteorological stations and
on board ships and is particularly well suited for mobile operations.
The launcher is equipped with a hexagon-shaped stitched bag closed
with a canvas belt. The balloon is launched by releasing the canvas
that holds it down.
In normal use the launcher is secured with pegs driven into the ground
and with three straps. In shipboard use the launcher is fastened with
the straps to the ship's superstructure.
The launcher is completely mechanical. When operating Balloon
Launcher FB15, observe the standard safety rules for inflammable