Väderstad ISOBUS implement with
Fendt VarioTerminal 10.4”
5 (5)
6. Create job and/or enter necessary documentation settings
If VarioDoc is to be used in order to do documentation of the work being performed, please see
chapter 4, “VarioDoc usage (35)” in the VarioDoc operators manual.
7 Use of “Section Control”
7.1 Create field and field boundaries
If section control is to be used when exiting field and/or headland boundaries these must be defined.
For further information, please see chapter 8.12, “Field settings (133)” in the VarioGuide operators
7.2 Section Control Settings
If section control is to be used when exiting field and/or headland some settings must be set. For
further information, please see chapter 7, "Section Control (101)" in the VarioDoc operators
8 Use of “Variable Rate”
9.1 Import/Load shapefile
If “Rate Control” is to be used, a prescription file must be used. For further information, please see
chapter 8, “Variable Rate Technology (115)” in the VarioDoc operators manual.
9 Attachments
NOTE! A full version of the VarioDoc and VarioGuide operators manuals is not available online,
please contact your local reseller.
Operators manual: VarioDoc (Section Control & Variable rate, November 2016).
Operators manual: VarioGuide (VarioGuide NovAtel & VarioGuide Trimble, November 2016).
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