background image

15.2  Mounting the cabinet front(s)

When installing, note:
- Cabinet front must be installed symmetrically to the

refrigerator door.

- Adjoining cabinet front is exactly level.

- Adjoining cabinet front has the same edge radius as the

front of the appliance.

- Cabinet front is flat and tension-free.

- Cabinet front is adjusted to a minimum depth of approx.

2 mm to the unit body.


Fit the appliance into the recess .


Attach the cabinet front to the appliance door .


Check the cabinet front does not collide with anything

(see 15.3 Setting the clearance to avoid collision) .

15.3  Setting the clearance to avoid colli‐


After installing the cabinet front(s), check that the cabinet

fronts do not collide.

Fig. 67 

(1) Front thickness (FD)

(3) Clearance (S)

(2) Edge radius (R)

Fig. 68 Table of clearance limits


 = min. clearance in mm



 = max. clearance in mm


When making adjustments, always make sure that the

cabinet front suits the general appearance.

Check the collision factors and adjust them accordingly:


Determine the front thickness and edge radius.


Refer to the table for the min./max. clearance dimen‐



Check the clearance size against the table.


Do one of the following depending on the measured

clearance size.



S > G


If the clearance size is greater than the two

limits, you do not need to make any adjust‐


S < G


If the clearance size is below the limits,

you must increase it. Another option is to

increase the edge radius.



≤ S ≤



If the clearance is between the two limits,

you have to be careful. This will quickly

lead to collisions.

16  Connecting device


Failure to connect properly

Fire hazard.


Do not use an extension cable.


Do not use distributor blocks.


Failure to connect properly

Damage to the electronics.


Do not connect the appliance to a stand-alone inverter,

e.g. solar power systems and petrol generators.


Do not use an energy saving plug.


Only use the supplied mains cable.


A longer mains cable can be ordered from Customer


Ensure that the following conditions are met:
- The type of current and voltage at the installation site

match the information on the serial tag .

- The socket is earthed according to the regulations and


- The fuse tripping current is between 10 and 16 A.

- The socket is easily accessible.


Check the electrical connection.


Connect the mains plug to the power supply.


V-ZUG logo appears on the screen.


The display switches to the standby symbol.

Connecting device

* Depending on model and options


Содержание Cooler V200

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Страница 48: ...NZA Collegamento non corretto Pericolo di incendio u Non utilizzare cavi prolunga u Non utilizzare attacchi multipli ATTENZIONE Collegamento non corretto Danno all elettronica u Non collegare l appare...

Страница 49: ...ake action are marked with a the results of an action are marked with a 1 General safety instructions Please keep this assembly manual in a safe place so you can refer back to it at any time If you pa...

Страница 50: ...zer NOTICE Risk of damage due to condensation u Do not install the appliance directly above another refrig erator or freezer These appliances are designed for a variety of installation options Combine...

Страница 51: ...e ventilation cross sections below the unit at its base and above the unit in the surrounding cabinet As a rule the larger the ventilation cross section the more efficiently the appliance will run Suf...

Страница 52: packing material and plastic film u Do not allow children to play with packing material The packaging is made of recyclable materials corrugated board cardboard expanded polystyrene parts polythene...

Страница 53: ...swapped If the main door of the appliance can be opened to more than 115 1 you can open the freezer compartment without reposi tioning the hinge If the opening angle 2 of the appliance door is less th...

Страница 54: ...rews on all the hinges but do not remove them Fig 11 u Removing the door Push the door forward and then out unhook it and put it to one side Fig 12 u Unscrew all hinges and set aside together with the...

Страница 55: ...he soft stop mechanism to the ball studs u Check all screws and retighten them if necessary Fig 19 u Refit the cover at the bottom and centre Only fit the other lids after installing the appliance in...

Страница 56: ...Fig 20 Assembly parts in the accessory kit Fig 21 Fig 22 Fig 23 Fig 24 Fig 25 Fig 26 Installing the appliance in the recess 56 Depending on model and options...

Страница 57: ...the power cable from the package and plug it into the back of the appliance Use a string to route the power plug cord to the accessible socket Do not plug in the power plug until the appliance is corr...

Страница 58: ...tly Fig 37 Fig 38 u Insert the appliance all the way into the unit recess The adjustable feet must rest in the recesses in the brackets on both sides Fig 39 u Remove the floor mounting bracket stopper...

Страница 59: ...the tilt of the appliance Fig 44 u Screw on the appliance on the hinge side Fig 45 u Move the bracket so it sits flush on the side wall of the cabinet recess Tighten all the screws securely Fig 46 u...

Страница 60: the same with the second rail 14 4 Mounting the front of the cabinet Fig 51 u Close the door and check the preset of 8 mm from the upper edge of the appliance door to the crosspiece support Fig 52...

Страница 61: ...0 u Screw on the lock nuts and check the height Fig 61 u Check the gap between the door and the surrounding custom door panels For unit fronts thicker than 19 mm take account of the dimensions and adv...

Страница 62: ...ickness should be at least 16 mm and no bigger than 19 mm When mounting a 2 door cabinet door observe the recommended clearances Fig 66 Clearances for a 2 door cabinet door Recess height Appliance hei...

Страница 63: ...of the following depending on the measured clearance size Clearance Description S Gmax If the clearance size is greater than the two limits you do not need to make any adjust ments S Gmin If the clea...

Страница 64: ...20221028 7088375 00 1213605 01 V ZUG AG Industriestrasse 66 CH 6302 Zug info vzug com www vzug com...
