Power on the inverter by DC input for the first time or after restore factory settings,
the LCD screen will appear a list of countries, requiring the user to choose what
country of use. As shown below:
Press the “ ” or “ ” button to select the country (refer to the below table), press
the ENT button to complete the setting.
Table of inverter control
Control item
LCD display
O n / O ff C tr l
Control the “On/Off” through the
Press “
” and “
” in the control
interface to select the operation. Press
“ENT” to ensure the operation and
press “ESC” to return.
R es ta rt
P re ss E NT t o ex ec ut e
P re ss E SC t o ca nc el
Restart the inverter through the
panel. And save the all settings and
operation record.
Press “ENT” to ensure restarting and
the inverter will begin to self-inspect
or press “ESC” to return.
Record clear
C le ar a ll R ec or d
: S ur e
P re ss E NT t o ex ec ut e
P re ss E SC t o ca nc el
Press “ENT” to ensure clear all records
or press “ESC” to return.
“Record clear” is to clear all setting
parameters through the panel, restore
to the factory setting and save all
history operation records.
Restore to
R es to re t o Fa ct or y
P re ss E NT t o ex ec ut e
P re ss E SC t o ca nc el
“Restore to factory” is to clear all
setting parameters and history
operation records through the panel,
restore to the factory setting. Press
“ENT” to ensure clear or press “ESC”
to return.
Co un tr y : U ns et
A us tr al ia
G re ec e
D en ma rk
H ol la nd
C ou nt ry : U ns et
D en ma rk
H ol la nd
C hi na
T ha il an d
G re ec e