Take a look at the graph below and you’ll see that objects that
react to UV light do so much better under 365nm (as
compared with 395nm). In geek speak we’d say that peak
excitation occurs at 365nm whereby higher energy radiation is
emitted back in the visible spectrum, than it would if
stimulated by 395nm UV light.
The graph below shows the UV flux range. You’ll see that the
uvBeast V3 365nm peaks at 365nm at 100% output, with very
little spilling over into the visible light spectrum. Thanks to
the UV LEDs and the high-spec on-board filter which blocks
any trace of non-useable visible light (which is present with all
LED tech btw albeit in miniscule amounts), but allows UV
365nm to pass-through.
Objects that react
to UV light do so
much better under
365nm (as
compared with