b) Electric cable remote control with “on-off” push-botton.
This system is as simple as connecting the remote control provided by Utiform to the
white electric base situated at the lower side of the circuit board. The the selector at the front
side of the circuit board in the remote control position, for which aim any manipulation from
the said circuit board will be disabled. The machine will only be started thorugh the “on-off”
botton at the remote control box.
Afterwards, the electric cable shall be extended alongside the mortar hose for the
machine to operate.
** Hose lubrication
Cloggings inside the mortar hoses can always occur. Dry mortar hoses are more likely to suffer
a clogging. For that reason it is recommended, before starting to work, to wet o lubricate them by
pumping water from the mortar hopper to the hoses or by connecting them to a water pipe.
A much better lubrication effect, and above all highly recommended by UTIFORM, is attained
when using thick calcareus mud or liquid mortar lime washing, that shall be used specially as a
lubricant when making coarse-grained mortars. In this case, the water from the material hopper is
drained by opening the outlet at the lower part of the hopper. Once it is closed, approximately 2
buckets of lime washing are to be thrown to the mortar hopper to make them pump within the hose.
** Mortar pumping
Once the material hopper has been loaded with the mortar or material to be transported, the
pump can be started using one of the two above mentioned remote control possibilities.
When the mortar hopper is almost empty after the pumping, and no more mortar is needed, the
machine shall immediately be stopped, so that the stator never works empty, dry, nor that it draws air
in, as its deterioration can be irreversible and loosing any opportunity to claim under warranty.
** Flow control (fit for machines with gear shifter)
The V1 pumps for solid materials can be equiped, under order, with a maintenance-free gear
shifter gearbox. Its advantage is that the output, due to the possibility of adjusting it without the
staggering of the number of revolutions, is adapted perfectly to the transported material as well as to
the work process. See "Worm pump outlets" diagram.