April 2010
The TPRLS can function as a stand-alone unit. But when connected to a PLC, you can
interchange tag data between the PLS and the PLC, using the
Multi-function Global Object
found in the uWin Programming software. For a detailed explanation on this object, please refer
to the Help section in the same software.
An example below demonstrates how to transfer the Position number of the PLS to the PLC. The
pre-defined tag for Position number in the PLS is
. Let us assume that the PLC tag
name you assigned for the Position Number is
When triggered by a programmed event, the Multi-Function Global Object performs a Move
function; hence transferring data from an AVG PRLS tag to a PLC tag. To set-up this Global
object, on the main Menu, click on
Setup>Global Objects> Multi-Function
In the dialog box that appears, under the General tab, specify the event that would trigger
this function. In this example , select “when source operand changes”
Under the Operations tab, select the operation to be performed on the source tag and save
the result in a destination tag. Here, select the source tag as POSITION, the destination
tag as POS_PLC_TAG and the operation as MOVE.
Thus, whenever the source PLS tag (POSITION) value changes, the data from the PLS tag
(POSITION) will be moved to the user-defined PLC tag (POS_PLC_TAG). Similarly you can
create different Multi-Function Objects to exchange the PLS and PLC data.