zero (0) smoke. If - .02 W.C. “overfire” draft can not be maintained, changes and/or
modifications may be required in the venting or the chimney.
The table on page 18 is provided as a guideline for initial start-up. Final adjustments
MUST be made using combustion instruments as previously mentioned.
after burner adjustments have been made for
satisfactory performance.
A. High limit control: remove cover and note temperature setting. See figure 19 on page
19. With the burner operating, decrease this setting to the minimum point. When boiler
water temperature exceeds this set point, the high limit switch will open, shutting off the
power to the oil burner. Return setting to desired high limit point. Burner should re-start.
B. Primary control and flame sensor:
To Check:
1. Flame failure - simulate by shutting off oil supply with hand valve while burner is
on. Sixty seconds after flameout, the safety switch locks out, ignition stops, motor stops and
oil valve - when used - closes. To restart, open oil supply valve and reset safety switch.
2. Ignition failure - with burner off, close oil supply valve and run through start-up
procedure, The safety switch should lock out as in flame failure.
3. Power failure - Turn off main power supply switch while burner is operating. When
burner stops, restore power and burner should start.
If operation is not as described as above, check wiring and controls.
of an oil fired boiler reduces operating costs. The boiler
and vent pipe should be inspected for accumulation of soot or scale deposits periodically
but at least once every year before the start of each heating season. When soot is present
on the section walls and flueways, improper combustion will result, causing additional
sooting and scaling until flueways are completely closed. To remove soot and scale from
the flueways, remove top jacket panel, top clean-out plate, open burner swing door. (figure
19 on page 19).
and tightening of the tankless heater/cover plate bolts will
reduce the risk of leaks. See Figure 21 on page 22.
- Use only number 2 fuel oil.
- Do not use gasoline, crankcase drainings or any oil containing gasoline.
- Do not attempt to start the burner when excess oil has accumulated, when the unit is
full of vapor or when the combustion chamber is very hot.