Calibration procedure
To calibrate the NTMOS sensor with the FlexVu UD10
1. Touch the magnet to the ENTER/SELECT button to
display the Main Menu. Follow the illustration below
to navigate to the “Calibrate” menu.
Main Menu
Process Vars
Display Status
Device Status
Display Setup
Device Setup
Device Cal
Display Test
Device Cal
Cal Gas Conc
2. Activate “Execute” (Enter/Select) to begin the zero
3. The UD10 will display “Waiting for Zero” on the main
display screen.
4. When zero calibration is complete (approximately
one minute), the UD10 will display “Waiting for Span”
on the main display screen.
5. Apply calibration gas to the sensor.
6. With 50 ppm H
S applied to the sensor, the UD10
display will continue to show “Waiting for Span”
and “0.0 PPM” while the span calibration is being
7. When the UD10 Display shows “Remove Cal Gas”
the calibration is complete. Remove calibration gas
from the sensor.
8. When the gas level falls below the lowest alarm
setpoint, the UD10 automatically exits the Calibrate
mode and returns to normal operating mode.
menu structure
UD10 with NTmOS H
S Sensor
Refer to the following menu when using the UD10’s
LCD display and internal magnetic switches.
When connecting a HART Communicator to the UD10’s
4-20 mA output, refer to the “UD10 HART” menu in
Appendix A.
menu HeLp
Status menus only allow the user to view the data.
The Setup menus allow the user to both view and
edit the data.