latching Alarms
The high, auxiliary and low alarm relay settings
are programmable and can be set for latching or
non-latching operation. Alarm configuration can be
done using the local display menu or external HART
interface. Latched alarms on the display can be cleared
through the Display Setup > Alarm Setting submenu
using the magnet or external HART interface.
Both the input and output current loops of the UD10
can be trimmed in the field for maximum accuracy. If
the detector connected to the UD10 is HART enabled,
its 4-20 mA output signal can also be trimmed.
When the UD10 is used with a detector that supports
HART communication, the output of the detector should
be calibrated first.
Detector Signal Calibration
Connect a current meter between the detector and the
UD10. Navigate down the menu to Device Test > D/A
(Digital to Analog) Trim.
Main Menu
Process Vars
Display Status
Device Status
Display Setup
Device Setup
Device Cal
Display Test
Device Test
Device Test
Self Test
Response Test
Loop Test
D/A Trim
D/A Trim
Zero Trim
Gain Trim
Select Zero Trim. Enter the measured value into the
UD10. The UD10 calculates and corrects for the
difference between the actual and entered values.
Select Gain Trim. Follow the same procedure for gain/
span calibration.
UD10 Input Trim
When the UD10 is used with a detector that supports
HART communication, an automated process can be
used to trim the UD10 input. Navigate down the menu
to “Input Loop Cal”.
Main Menu
Process Vars
Display Status
Device Status
Display Setup
Device Setup
Device Cal
Display Test
Device Test
Display Setup
Alarm Setting
Mode Select
HART Option
Input Loop Cal
Upon entering Input Loop Cal, the UD10 commands
the detector to output 4 mA, and then automatically
calibrates its own input. The UD10 then commands the
detector to output 20 mA and subsequently calibrates
its own input.
UD10 Output Trim
To calibrate the UD10 output loop, connect a current
meter to the UD10 output. Navigate down the menu to
Display Test > D/A Trim.
Main Menu
Process Vars
Display Status
Device Status
Display Setup
Device Setup
Device Cal
Display Test
Device Test
Display Test
Self Test
Response Test
Loop Test
D/A Trim
D/A Trim
Zero Trim
Gain Trim
Select Zero Trim. Enter the measured value into the
UD10. The UD10 calculates and corrects for the
difference between the actual and entered values.
Select Gain Trim. Follow the same procedure for gain/
span calibration.