Using USPS
Confirmation Services
SV61156 Rev. E
Using the Internet
Use the Internet to make inquiries about individual ship-
ments. You’ll find tracking information at both the Pitney
Bowes and USPS web sites as ex plained be low. In for -
ma tion is post ed the evening of the date of de liv ery or at-
tempt ed delivery. It re mains avail able for thir teen months at
the Pitney Bowes web site, 180 days at the USPS site.
Use the Pitney Bowes web site to track your packages. You
will use your Postage by Phone® account number to dis-
play information about all the packages you send.
You may wish to provide one of your customers a tracking
number for a mail piece sent using a confirmation service.
This is an ex cel lent service you can provide your cus-
tom ers to as sure that an important package is re ceived.
To let a customer check the status of a package, give
them the tracking number and ask them to use the USPS
Track&Confirm site ( For pri va cy rea sons,
you should never give out your Postage by Phone account
number (as would be re quired to track a package on our
web site).
6. Tracking Mail on the Web