Before starting the operator should read and understand
the owner/operation manual for the parent implement to de-
termine the proper procedure for turning on the auxiliary
hydraulics to run the mower.
Mounting the mower
After removing the bucket from the stick by disconnecting the quick attach mech-
anism install the mower in it’s place. The mower with its’ mount should readily
attach in place of the bucket. Confirm that the locking mechanism is properly en-
gaged. Install the case drain line and then, attach the supplied hoses with quick
couplers to the auxilary circuit lines on the excavator. Make sure that the quick
connect couplers are completely engaged.
Case drain line, what and why is it needed?
The case drain protects the motor shaft seal from excessive pressure. Motor shaft
seals are usually rated to 100 psi for brief periods or less than about 50 PSI con-
tinuously. High pressure oil from the gear section travels between the shaft and
its sleeve bearing to an area behind the shaft seal. Through the return line by
way of an internal check valve or through an external case drain. In most compact
equipment return line pressure is high enough to cause either abrupt seal blow-
out (150+ psi) or early failure of the motor shaft. Higher pressure seals are avail-
able, but are not always reliable and cause other problems as well.
The best solution is a dedicated case drain. Your machine may have an internal or
external case drain system that can accommodate the small volume of gear motor
case flow. Contact your vehicle dealer or manufacturer for technical details.
Motor shaft seals are not covered under warranty if case drain is
not properly installed or fails. Make sure case drain line couplers
are properly connected.
Attaching Mower to Excavator
Securely attach the flail mower in the same manner you would attach a bucket or
other excavator attachment. Confirm that the locking mechanism is properly en-
Carefully clean the Hydraulic quick couplers before making connections. Dirt
quickly damages the hydraulic system. Always cover or connect couplers together
when not in use.
Connect supply, return and case drain lines. Confirm that the hydraulic quick cou-
plers are fully engaged and locked by turning the collars. Check with your power
units manuals on how best to release the pressure in the auxiliary lines for easy
coupling to the connectors.
Activate the auxiliary hydraulic circuit with the cutter head raised off the ground.
The cutter shaft should turn freely and smoothly.