are oxyions
Negative Ions are not only completely safe, they are essential to a
healthy life. The Activated Oxygen portion, at the levels emitted by
the CatMouse
, are completely safe, as in Nature, when used as
directed. The Maximum Acceptable Concentration (MAC), as
established by OSHA, is 0.10 PPM for 8 hours per day, 5 days a
week. Activated Oxygen can be an irritant in very high
concentrations. The CatMouse
has an Activated Oxygen Output
of only .01 to .04 ppm - well below FDA, EPA, OSHA and NIOSH
limit standards or even output of a lightning storm. You can rest easy
knowing your CatMouse
is not only completely safe for you and
your pet(s) but will help you maintain better health in a cleaner, more
odor-free, pathogen-free environment. A good rule of thumb is that
if you can smell Activated Oxygen coming from the unit at a
distance of 5-10 feet, you should reduce the setting. Detecting only
a faint smell, or none at all, is typically an extremely safe level.
what are Oxyions?
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