Installation and use manual models FAST 02 e FAST 03 rev 1.0.0 October 2013 Page 5 di 19
It is always recommended to affix the Fast 02 or Fast 03 on a wall also when it is on a flat surface.
Verify always that the bracket or the support surface are suitable for the weight of the machine.
It is suggested not to install the machine behind walls in a limited close area without a specific
ventilation to prevent a possible overheating.
After removing the machine from the package, unscrew the two screws that stop the right side panel and revome it.
Inside it is possible to see the front part of the electronic circuit, later called as PCB.
On the side you can see two cylinders (one for Fast 03 1C) placed on the cylinder plate.
It is necessary to take away the cylinders to remove the blocks placed in the upper part of the cylinders, they
are only used to avoid the risk of disharge of the liquid during the transport.
On the rear of cabinet you have to remove precutted wholes on metal case choosing the proper ones after deciding
straight or corner installation
The round precutted wholes are instead to be used for cables that should go in or out of the machine.