Before you begin to use this trampoline, you must read all the information in this manual. Just
like in any other type of physical recreational activity, participants can be injured. To reduce the
risk of injury, please carefully read and follow the appropriate safety rules and tips.
Misuse and abuse of this trampoline is dangerous and can cause serious injury!
Trampolines are rebounding devices which propel the performer to unaccustomed heights
through a variety of movements. So always use caution when playing on a trampoline.
Always inspect the trampoline before each use.
Proper assembly, care and maintenance of product, safety tips, warnings and proper techniques
in jumping and bouncing are included in this manual. All users and supervisors must read and
familiarize themselves with these instructions. Anybody who chooses to use this trampoline
must be aware of their own limitations in regards to permorming various jumps and bounces
with this trampoline.
Initially, you should get accustomed to the feel and bounce of the trampoline. The focus must be
on your body position and you should practice each fundamental bounce until you can do each
skill with bounce before moving on to more difficult and advanced bounces. Do not behave
recklessly on the trampoline, emphasis must be made on good control and the mastering of
various bounce techniques.
No more than one person is
allowed on the trampline!
Multiple jumpers increase the
risk of mid-air collisions
resulting in injury.
Do not perform somersaults
(flips) as this will increase the
chances of landing on your
head or neck. Paralysis or
even death can result.