INstructIONs FOr use
All models are accompanied by an
instruction manual. Please check if
all parts of the packing have been
Should you wish to buy regular or spe-
cial accessories which are described
on the following pages, please contact
your supplier or our technical service.
All parts, which are touched by food-
stuff, are stainless, resisting to odour
and foodstuff and tasteless.
The accessories keep always a distance
of at least 5 mm from the wall and of
2 mm from the bottom of the recipient
due to the protective cap and the
safety blade. Any contact or damage
of the recipient by rotational tools is
thus avoided.
The ESGE-handblender is provided
for a continuous use of 5 minutes. It
is normal when the housing becomes
warm during use.
Please let the machine cool down after
this operation time.
Do not leave the appliance constantly
in water/kiquid ir in a hot recipient.
The rising steam may cause motor
Clean the appliance immediately af-
ter use. The ESGE-Zauberstab
vided in particular for use in private
households should be kept in the wall
holder near the stove and not above
the stove. The machine should not be
exposed to constant steam (as usual in
large kitchens) in order to avoid steam
penetrating into the housing and cau-
sing damages of the machine.