15% DISC (15% Discount)
- - - - RETAIL ITEMS ONLY - - - -
The 15% DISC key is an item discount, not a subtotal discount to only be used on Retail
Item Sales. When pressed immediately following an open amount item it will calculate 15
% of the item price, display the descriptor, discount percent, and the net dollar amount of
the discount with a minus sign. The amount of the tax on the discount will be subtracted
from the subtotal.
OPEN DISC (Open % Discount)
- - - - RETAIL ITEMS ONLY - - - -
The OPEN DISC key is an item discount, not a subtotal discount to only be used on Retail
Item Sales. When a percent is entered and this key is pressed immediately following an
open amount item it will calculate the entered percentage of the item price, display the
descriptor, discount percent, and the net dollar amount of the discount with a minus sign.
The amount of the tax on the discount will be subtracted from the subtotal.
To register an OPEN DISC
The Clerk must be signed on with a valid Clerk number in the R key lock position
Enter an Amount and Press on of the Open Retail Keys (EAS, Snacks & Candy,
Supplements) on the keyboard.
Enter the amount of the discount to be given (10% is entered as 10; 25% is entered as
25; 1/3 discount is entered as 33.33.
Press the OPEN DISC key on the keyboard
Continue registering items or press subtotal and tender the sale to finalize
$ DISC ($ Discount)
The $ DISC key is a dollar amount discount on the subtotal, not an item discount. When
an amount is entered and this key is pressed it will subtract the entered amount from the
total of the sale, display the DISC (-) descriptor, and the dollar amount of the discount with
a minus sign. The amount of the tax on the discount will be subtracted from the subtotal.
To register a $ DISC
The Clerk must be signed on with a valid Clerk number in the R key lock position
Enter a PLU # and press the PLU key or press a preset key on the keyboard
Enter the DOLLAR amount of the discount to be given ($1.00 is entered as 100; $2.50 is
entered as 250)
Press the $ DISC key on the keyboard
Continue registering items or press subtotal and tender the sale to finalize