Vegetable oils and fats are almost tasteless, so the flavour of
the food being fried will be altered only slightly .In contrast to
this, animal fats(lard) can change the flavour.
Only use one kind .Do not mix oil/fat, as different oil/fats can
have different boiling points.
Fats should only contain a small amount of water. Water turns
to steam when heated and makes the fat spit.
Never melt lard in the fryer. Melting lard could cause liquid
drops of fat to run down Danger the sides of the
appliance. This can result in damage or even cause a fire.
If you do want to use lard, melt it in a suitable pan beforehand. Then
pour the melted lard carefully into the oil receptacle(E) according to
the safety instruction.
How long can you keep the oil/fat?
The length of time you can keep using it depends on various factors:
Frying temperature.
How often you use it, and for how long at a time.
How you store it.
The quality of the oil/fat. The better it is, the longer you can
keep using it.
Contamination of the oil/fat while frying. Pass the oil.fat
through filter paper before storing to remove the largest
contaminant particles.
When should you change the oil?
You should change the oil/fat if:
Smoke appears even at lower temperature,
The fried food starts to have an unpleasant taste,
You detect an unpleasant smell.
If any of the above occurs with your oil/fat, change it immediately.