Measure V
This screen is used to measure the V
of the bq2014;
see Figure 5. A minimum of 360 seconds are required to
perform this test. Pressing the ESC key terminates the
test in progress. Operating the test for a longer period
increases the resolution of the test. A “beep” signals test
Appendix A: AP14A User's
The AP14 utility (AP14A.EXE) is used to communicate
with the bq2014 on a register basis. AP14 uses a driver
to communicate with the EV2014 over serial port on a
PC-AT personal computer.
The AP14 utility is started by executing AP14A.EXE.
After AP14 is started, the following prompt is displayed:
Select COM Port < 1 2 3 4 >
The user can respond with various commands at the
prompt. Pressing “Q” causes the program to terminate.
–> ?
Pressing the ? key displays following menu:
These commands may be used to send or receive data
from the EV2014x.
–> A
If A is entered in response to –>, then a break bit is sent
to the EV2014x. This may be used to restart the com-
munication if a problem appears. If the prompt does not
return immediately, then proper communication has not
been established; please refer to Appendix B for trouble-
shooting procedures.
–> R#
If R# is entered in response to –>, where # is an applicable
address in HEX format, AP14 returns the value at that lo-
cation from the EV2014x. The addresses are defined in
the bq2014 data sheet. For example:
–> R03
causes the display to show:
R03= ##
where ## is the current NAC value in HEX format.
Address 00 is used to read and display all readable reg-
–> S#
If S# is entered in response to –>, where # is a valid
bq2014 address in HEX format, AP14 continuously
reads and displays the value at that location. The ad-
dressed are defined in the bq2014 data sheet. For exam-
–> S03
causes the display to show:
Address 3 = ## after XXX.XX sec.
where ## is the value at location 03 and XXX.XX is
the number of seconds between changes in this
–> W# =
If W#=
is entered in response to –>, where # is an ap-
plicable address in HEX format and
is the value to be
written, AP14 writes the value to that location. The ad-
dresses are defined in the bq2014 data sheet. For exam-
–> W05 = A0
causes the program to write A0 in location 05hex (LMD
Rev. B Board
The following commands are available:
This display is shown.
Send break.
Quit and return to DOS.
Read at address #.
Scan at address #.
W# = **
Write at address # value **.