Display Program Menu
This menu is accessed by selecting the <Display Pro-
gram> function on the Main Menu. The programming
menu allows the user to set and observe the program
state of the bq2014; see Figure 4. To change the bq2014
PFC programming, reconfigure jumpers JP6–JP10 and
initialize the bq2014. The reset allows the bq2014 to
read the program pins.
Press F1 to enter the value of sense resis-
tor in ohms. Typical values range from
0.02 to 0.1
The sense resistor value is used by the
EV2014 UIP to develop meaningful infor-
mation in terms of A, mA, and mAH in re-
lation to battery capacity and current.
The default value is 0.1.
Values from
0.005 to 0.256 are saved in the battery ID
RAM byte of the bq2014. Values greater
than 0.256 must be re-entered each time
EV2014x is started.
Select the scale factor from the available
scales using JP8 and JP9.
Like the sense resistor, the scale factor is
used to develop meaningful information for
the programmed full count tables, battery
full, and available capacity indications.
PFC Count
Program full count from Table 2 from the
bq2014 data sheet.
Select the programmed full count using
JP6 and JP7. Note that the selected PFC
and the sense resistor value are used to
determine the initial battery full capacity
(mAh) represented by the PFC.
This display indicates the battery capacity
represented by dividing the PFC by the
sense resistor. In practice, picking a PFC
and sense resistor that provide a battery
full value slightly lower than (within 5%)
the rated battery capacity is recommended.
Select one of two available self-discharge
rates depending on the application and
battery type using JP10.
Number of
Press F2 to enter the number of cells in
the battery stack. This shows the battery
pack voltage on the monitor screen.
Press F3 to enter the desired end of dis-
charge voltage for the battery pack. The
default value is 1.05V for the bq2014.
ming Pin
This displays indicates the programming
of the bq2014 by displaying H, Z, or L de-
pending on the state of the program pins.
Please refer to the bq2014 data sheet for
further details.
Benchmarq EV2014 Evaluation Board V
Present DMF Setting
Current Threshold (DMF(mv)/Rsns): XXXXmA
Do you want to test Vos?:
Calculated Vos:
XXXmV, over last xxxx seconds
Elapsed time:
XXXX seconds
There must be no charge/discharge activity on the bq2014 for this test
to be valid.
Running the test for a longer period of time increases
the Vos measurement resolution.
This test requires a minimum
of 6 minutes before any value is displayed.
Figure 5. VOS Measurement Screen
Rev. B Board