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HT1 1D Batch User’s Manual
2.4.4 Pincode in Launcher Mode
HT1 Launcher offers three functions when users press the menu key: reboot,
settings, and apps. By factory default, users can access these three functions
without any restrictions. However, HT1 Launcher can require users to input a
pincode before allowing them to execute those menu functions.
To setup the pincode, please follow the instructions below:
1. Please create a text file on your pc.
( file name :
2. Input a set of Pincode in the text file.
3. Save
to HT1 Download folder.
2.4.5 Wallpaper in Launcher Mode
HT1 Launcher has its own built-in wallpaper by factory default.
To customize a wallpaper, please add or replace the Wallpaper.png file in the
Download folder:
1. Save a Wallpaper.png to HT1 Download folder.
2. Please restart HT1 to get the new wallpaper setup in launcher mode.