Unitary Products Group
As an owner of a new furnace you need to know the following information:
If your home is located at an elevation above 2,000 feet, the burner orifice in your furnace will need to be derated.
Please contact the nearest authorized Service Center to have this procedure performed properly.
These furnaces are shipped from the factory with a natural gas orifice. If you will be operating this furnace on LP
(liquid propane gas), it will also be necessary to have the furnace converted. The correct LP orifice is supplied with
the furnace to allow operation at elevations below 2,000 feet. If the furnace will be operatingon LP gas at elevations
above 2,000 feet, the orifice supplied will be too large to allow proper operation. You should contact your LP supplier
for assistance in getting the derated orifice installed.
We hope you follow these instructions and enjoy many years of trouble free service. If you have any questions,
please feel free to contact the technical assistance hot line at 316/832--6450.
Your dealer or gas company may have already applied the proper deration for your unit. If so, they shouldbe able to
advise you as such. If not, you need to have the deration made to insure continued use of your furnace. Not having
the unit derated properly will eventually render the furnace inoperable.
Deration of the orifice for furnaces installed in homes at elevations above 2,000 feet is not covered by the warranty.
This procedure is considered a part of the installation process and is required to make the furnace operate properly.
Subject to change without notice. Printed in U.S.A.
Copyright E by Unitary Products Group 1997. All rights reserved.
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