6.DLNA method with
Download and install
google play/App Store on smart phone
(Supports under 4.2 Android system or
iOS system
1. Playing the video in DLNA method;
3. Browsing the web and viewing pictures in Miracast method;
4. Playing games,the transfer data is large,it is for testing.
5. Because smart phone/tablet devices’s compatibility is
inconsistent, not all devices have the best experience in
Miracast Method, so please test DLNA,Miracast and
installing iMediaShare separately to get the best using
method. In Miracast Method, if failed to get the best
experience, please fix to operate iPazzPort Cast in DLNA
2. Under DLNA method,Download and install iMediaShare,
playing the photos,music and videos;
There are two versions of the iMediaShare.
1.iMediaShare personal,this versions can be used
play local photos,videos and music;
2.iMediaShare Internet(Flipps),this versions can be
used to play internet videos ,photos and music.